Whitebook 2017 Electronic version – Now available

We would like to inform that the Whitebook 2017 has been uploaded on EuroCham website, both English and Vietnamese version.
There are 3 ways to access the content:

From Menu Tab (as below picture 1) News and Publications => Whitebook (hover) => Select the version (click)

From Menu Tab (as below picture 1) News and Publications => Whitebook (click)

Click on the banner WHITEBOOK 2017  (as below picture 2)

Everyone needs to complete a SURVEY (which requires their contact for EuroCham’s tracking purpose) in order to get the dowloadable link of Whitebook content

Click HERE to access

(Picture 1)


(Picture 2)
Shall you have any technical problems, please contact Ms. Hoai Nam – Communications and Marketing – Assistant Manager – Tel: (84-8) 3827 2715 Ext 120

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Marieke Van Der PIJL


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