Launch of A.S.S.I.S.T. : The New System of ASEAN Consultations to Solve Trade and Investment Issues

ASSIST web portal – a portal for ASEAN based entities to raise concerns about Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs) and Non-Tariff Barriers’ (NTBs) that they are experiencing in the region when trading goods, services or investments between TWO or more ASEAN countries has been lauched. 

The ASSIST portal has been developed by the ARISE team at the ASEAN Secretariat.  The ARISE team – ASEAN Regional Integration Support from the EU (who are funded by the EU) are encouraging companies to use the system to register complaints about NTBs and NTMs across the region.   

ASEAN Solutions for Investments, Services and Trade (A.S.S.I.S.T.) – Proposal by ARISE

The new ACT: easy to remember, easy to find, easy to use, easy to manage, reliable and effective;

Aimed at facilita$ng trade, investments and ASEAN economic integration;

Focus on businesses based in ASEAN;

Scope of ASSIST will be on trade in goods, trade in services, investment issues, and trade-related transport, customs, finance and standards matters;

Internet-based, consultative and non-binding mechanism;

Key role in addressing perceived NTBs and streamline NTMs;

Natural add-on to the ATR (

Please refer to below arrachments for further information about the ASSIST portal:

Introductory Presentation by ARISE on ASSIT 

Procedures Presentation by ARISE on ASSIT 


Please note

In the initial phase the portal will only cover the movement of goods. ervices and Investments will follow in due course.

The ARISE team who have developed the system for ASEAN are very keen indeed that the system is used extensively to report difficulties and hindrances in moving goods between ASEAN Member States. The clear message is that if Companies do not use the system they have no right to complain about NTBs and NTMs across the region.  

Please note, the system does allow for complaints to be filed by business and trade associations on behalf of individual companies or groups of companies.

This is being encouraged by both the ARISE team and the ASEAN Secretariat as a means of companies getting around the worry of discriminatory treatment.  However, please also note that the complaint filer must be registered entity in the country where the good (or in the future service) is moving from. Thus, if the complaint concerns a trade taking place from Thailand to Indonesia, it would have to be a body based in Thailand (such as EABC Thailand) filing the complaint.


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Marieke Van Der PIJL


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