[SUPPORTED EVENT] INTA Annual Meeting Live+ on May 16-20 in Singapore

The International Trademark Association (INTA) is hosting the 2023 Annual Meeting Live+, which will connect influential brand professionals from various industries worldwide for the largest gathering of its kind. The program offers two educational tracks: “IP & Innovation” and “The Business of Brands.”
The Live+ event offers three participation options: Live+ registration, providing an enhanced in-person experience with virtual capabilities; in-person only registration; and virtual-only registration.
At the event, there will be a representative from the South-East Asia IP SME Helpdesk, which is currently being implemented by EuroCham Vietnam.
INTA is providing 30 complimentary passes valued at USD $3375 each to EuroCham Vietnam members, consisting of corporations and SMEs, except for law and IP firms.
To receive a pass, kindly send an email to nora.bihari@eurochamvn.org by May 11.
To register for the event, CLICK HERE