EuroCham Public Bid for IT Upgrade Services

Upon taking office in this Spring of 2016, the current EuroCham Executive Committee presented its commitment to raise transparency and financial sustainability standards in EuroCham operations. In this regard, several related internal initiatives have been carried out, led by the action of Vice Chairman Vo Quang-Hue.

It is in this context that EuroCham Vietnam held on 25th August 2016 its first public bidding session for external services provision. This session concerned the acquisition of new IT equipment for EuroCham and the upgrading of the office working system. Three companies were shortlisted to participate: Green IT Solution, An Thai Network Solution Co., Ltd and SERENCO JSC.
This bid was won by SERENCO JSC.

Achieving the cost effectiveness-oriented objective of this public bidding session, EuroCham will save 3% on the base quotation.
EuroCham would like to thank the companies that participated in this session.

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Marieke Van Der PIJL


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